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Dear Year 6 Form Masters, 


David Ben Gurion was the definition of noble, he cared about everyone's opinions at the same time as influencing humanity for the better. David was a charismatic politician and man who believe with hard work and determination he could overcome any challenges that might await him. He was the definition of a noble person. 


First and foremost, David Ben Gurion began a new era that included Israel on the world map. David wasn't the type of person that came up with ideas that would change the world, but he was the one who executed the ideas. For example, it wasn't his idea to make Israel an independent country, but after a couple of his politician friends came up with the idea he was the first to say, I will make this idea a reality. On the 14th of May 1948 after half a decade of preparation and lots of ideas from his friends he declared Israel a country of independence. This shows that he was willing to work years on end, to declare a country formally plagued by war because of the main religion of Judaism, independent. 


All notable people have their own beliefs but David Ben Gurion had a dep connection to the religion of Judaism. Him being a Jewish citizen as well as the Prime Minister, David stood up against anti- Jewish people using his place in the Israeli Parliament. He was willing to sacrifice anything in a country next to war zones just to make people from all different countries hear that Jewish people are strong and that even though the Second World War eliminated millions of people that they would still stay strong and fight for what's right. I believe that he is notable because he used his power in parliament to help change the world for the better.  


David Ben Gurion believed that by Israel becoming an independent country, Israel would become known as a place for Jewish and other religions to come and be in peace without racism or discrimination. David served as Prime Minister for A total of 13 years and is known as one of Israels great founders. He believed that Israel was a gift to all the Jewish people after 2000 long years of suffering.  


My definition of a notable person is someone who goes out of their way to help others and the growth of humanity. I also believe that you are notable if you are in power and you use that power to help others and the rest of humanity. I think that David Ben Gurion fits this definition because he helped the growth of humanity at the same time as turning a country from a land with no independence to being known as the Independent country of Israel. An independent country means that the country can make its own decision, they also have their own parliament and government. 


Ben Gurion has changed the world for the better and as a Jewish person I can say that our freedom and rights wouldn’t be the same without David Ben Gurion. This is why I would like to do him as my Notable person.  


From Owen Hurst 6CH 

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