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Question 1: How did you effect humanity for the better? 

Answer: I believe I have effected humanity for the better in many ways, I think that my role in the Independence of Israel and my job at the Jewish Agency has helped humanity for the better. 


Question 2: Who were your inspirations and how did their lives effect the decisions you made during your career? 

Answer: Firstly Lech Walesa the Leader of Poland during my childhood really inspired me, I also was inspired by many Jewish Leaders who stood up for protection of Jewish people like me. I always wanted to do more than any of those leaders could do combined especially when it came to Jewish rights. 


Question 3: If you had more time as Prime Minister, what would have you changed? 

Answer: If I had more time I would've continued fixing the mess of WWII and would've continued developing the country that I had dreamed about for years. 


Question 4: How did you get into Politics and who taught you the basics? 

Answer: I got into politics because of the environment I grew up in, growing up in Poland at the time politics was very prominent in the news. I learned the basics of politics from my dad Avigdor Gurion. 


Question 5: What was the best part of being a farmer in Palestine? 

Answer: The best part about being a farmer was being surrounded by green grass and great animals and people every day. Palestine was a great place to be, especially with my hopes at the time of creating a Jewish Home in Palestine. 


Question 6: When did your idea of a Jewish home become a reality and why did you believe in it? 

Answer: My idea of a Jewish home became a reality in 1917 when the British government announced that they would create a Jewish home in Palestine. I have always believed that the protection of this amazing religion, and I knew that it deserved a sanctuary in such a great place (Palestine). 


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