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Dear Judge of the Israel Prize 


I believe that David Ben-Gurion would be an amazing recipient of the Israel Prize, he as a person and as the former Prime Minister of Israel deserves to be acknowledged, for his commitment and leadership to declare Israel independence. The Israel prize is an award given to an  person who bestows leadership, commitment and cultural honor and has helped bestow peace in a community. To me David Ben Gurion has proved that he has those values. 


First and Foremost, David Ben Gurion once said, "It's not enough to be up to date, you have to be up to tomorrow." To me this quote manifests that he was always one step ahead, when you hear him speak you can always hear that he has taken time to plan out his ideas making sure that he could use them today or even tomorrow and they would still be ahead of every other idea. On another note recipients of the Israel prize need to be able to interpret the rules in different ways. David Ben Gurion once said "the law is only what you interpret it to be, there is no concrete law." He knew what it meant to bend the rules to help the greater good, that is one thing that only a select number of people in power have the courage to do. 


As well as this, David Ben Gurion led Israel all the way to independence, and even though there were really tough and challenging times, he always came through and achieved his goals. Also Ben Gurion had a giant impact on his culture, he was a religious Jewish person who always wanted to make Israel the home of the Jewish people. And as he once said "No country in the world not even Greece or Italy, ever played such a great role in the life of a nation for such a long time, as Israel has done for the Jewish people." An important part of the Israel Prize is cultural honor, and I can't think of anyone who displays cultural honor more than David Ben Gurion. 


I strongly believe that David Ben Gurion should win this award because he has showed great courage and strength during his inspirational life. David once said " Courage is the knowledge of how to fear what ought to be feared and how not to fear what ought not to be feared." To me this quote by David Ben Gurion in the middle of his stint in the Israeli parliament, represents his drive to be courageous and no what to be scared or afraid of or what to welcome into your life. 


He is a real notable person and someone that definitely deserves to be awarded the Israel prize. Because of his courage, strength and leadership that led Israel through some of the toughest times and most exciting times in the country's history. To me and a lot of other people around the world David is someone who doesn’t just represent this, but they have use these qualities for their entire lives. 


Finally, this is why I believe that David Ben Gurion the first Prime Minster of Israel and the creator of the independent country of Israel deserves to be awarded the prestigious Israel Prize. 

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