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"It's not up to date, you have to be up to tomorrow." by David Ben Gurion


Who am I 


 Founder of the Israeli independence, 

After his time as Prime Minister he had many smart descendants, 


With his charismatic personality and outlook on the Israeli community, 

He was able to help people to embrace the endless opportunities,  


And after years of hard work to make Israel a safer place, 

Him and his team had reach the endless race, 


A proud Jewish man who at the height of the World War never gave up, 

And if that wasn't enough he rallied the new born country of Israel to never give up, 


Born in Plonsk Poland and once elected, around the world war he lived in Israel, 

And as many called him, he was the leader of his people, 


He was known for his will to never give up, 

Through the height of the multiple wars that effected Israel he was able to cheer poor citizens up, 


A strong man who was known to be a writer, 

Many who witnessed him would undoubtedly call him a fighter, 


In 1935 he was elected the head of the Jewish Agency, 

But as President he never showed complacency,  


He was the first Prime Minister of Israel, David Ben-Gurion, 

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